An exhibition of work from a diverse international group of MA Ceramic graduates from Cardiff School of Art and Design who have formed a cooperative based in Cardiff. Download the catalogue.
We Spirited Creatures
Humans and animals live together on a small planet. Our relationship is one of shared needs and mutual coexistence, and yet our life together is often far from peaceful. Download the catalogue: We Spirited Creatures
Keramic Conversations:
From Vallauris to Fat Lava: Curator Gérard Mermoz presents a selection of popular ceramics made in France and Germany in workshops and small factories in the post war period (1945 –1975). The producers adopted an experimental approach to form and decoration through the use of bright new glazes often bubbling over the surface to create the lava-like effect. The exhibition… Read More
Parallel Lives
Parallel Lives 20th January-21st April 2013 Couples who make Pottery This exhibition features resources from the Ceramic Archive which are available to view or download here. This includes extracts from audio interviews when you see the speaker icon, published articles and new essays especially written for this exhibition. Please click here for an essay by Louise Chennell about the exhibition, and… Read More
Ceramic Tales from Africa Based on field trips mainly undertaken 2005-6 to Tunisia, Morocco, Ghana and South Africa by Moira Vincentelli, the exhibition explores how contemporary ceramics in Africa are adapting and responding to new situations. The research was a collaboration with Manchester Museum where the exhibition was originally shown. It was supported with funding from the British Academy. Download… Read More
Simon Carroll: Making Connections
Ceramics Gallery, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, July 3rd- November 30th 2004 Simon Carroll demonstrated his exuberant approach to ceramics at the International Ceramics Festival in Aberystwyth in 2003. Six months later he was invited to develop an exhibition of his own work in relation to the collection An exhibition of recent work by the ceramic artist, Simon Carroll shown in relation… Read More
The Sliptrails exhibition was the basis of a timeline on slipware ceramics used in the web World History Project directed by Bamber Gascoigne. The Archive has been used as a pilot for developing the Mapping Wales project to put archival collections on line. >>>
Gendered Vessels
Gendered Vessels: Women and Ceramics by Moira Vincentelli The Biographies have been prepared by Anna Hale, Elizabeth McDermott and Moira Vincentelli. Women and Ceramics - Introduction In many pre-industrialised societies pottery is a predominantly female activity and hence it seems likely that much of the earliest pottery was made by women. To this day in most of Africa, among Native… Read More
Hands That Do Dishes
Hands That Do Dishes - Women Potter's Speak Throughout the exhibition the makers' own words have been quoted to provide some insight into their ideas and motivations. The quotes are from the following potters: Christine Boswijk 1993 [ biography ] 'A vessel is the enduring symbol which is expressed as the vehicle for carrying all life and thought.' '(My work… Read More